rwb_hero wrote in
Apr 06, 2009 21:26
I plan to start running in the mornings from now on. Anyone wish to join me?
Tony, I'm not asking you, as we've already spoken about it.
Steve, would it be alright with you if Tony slept in our room once or so a week? This way, I can make sure he's up and about for morning exercise, at least once a week.
†captain america
rwb_hero wrote in
Mar 21, 2009 12:40
The Sarah Rogers Art Gallery is open, for anyone who wishes to join me.
I have also set up an area for anyone who wants to try painting for themselves. I might even set up different parts of the gallery, for other forms of art. Like sculpture, or metal work.
Also, Tony? A word, in person please?
†captain america
rwb_hero wrote in
Mar 11, 2009 12:09
You know, one would think I would be used to this short of thing by now.
Granted the last time I awoke from a "death", it was to find myself in the modern age. But back then I was surrounded by good people, who later became my best friends.
I honestly don't know what to make of this.
†captain america